Or you could say, a few weeks early.
I have roses on my kitchen table already. D took advantage of a sale at a local grocery store and bought 2 dozen roses. Just look at the color of these roses! And they just so happen to match the painting on our wall.
I'm sure that was the last thing he was thinking about. LOL!

In general, I really don't pay too much attention or care about scheduled days. I'd rather be given flowers when it is least expected – like D buying me these for a surprise.
I know.
Then why did I create a greeting card site?... I had been in online retail for a number of years. It got overwhelming to meet expectations of these holidays, closeouts, holidays, markdowns, sales, oh my! I have made it a priority not to let these scheduled days dictate what goes on this site.
The big box stores have gotten out of hand. The expectations we put on ourselves is overwhelming. I am purposely making my site one for art. So the art comes out as it is made.
I am just one person after all.
But then...

When your mom asks you to create a card for her to send out for Valentine's Day – you make a card for Valentine's Day.
This design is all that I will make for this day. But it is a general design that, to me, could be sent any time of the year. (Like 95% of our other cards!)
Thoughts? Do you care about specific holiday dates? Or do you celebrate them all year round?
ASIDE: I used to work with a marvelous lady (may Judy rest in peace!) that put on a massive Christmas celebration in July. It was the only time her family could get together. She would be talking about her planning and preparations weeks in advance. She never held anything back. It sounded like the best way to celebrate Christmas together. I will never forget that! I'll never forget her, either.
This is 100% human generated content. All issues or grammatical errors are my own.