I've had a few photos in my phone of the Sunsphere here in Knoxville. Everyday like clutter, I am reminding myself that I need to create a drawing/painting of this ole' icon.
As for today. I'm ecstatic to say I have a large drawing of the Sunsphere in my house. As in large, I mean 11"x15" size. That's large for me since you may see on my social content of my 4x4 paintings and the Petite House Paintings. Progress, marking things off to-do lists, love it!
Then of course I play and experiment with art, and this card featured below is the result of this experiment and textures in digital, then with a dose of Procreate on the ipad (so it still counts as hand drawn). The original is on the bottom of this blog so you can see it's still close to what was drawn the old fashioned way. (Please, don't hesitate to comment on which you prefer. I may or may not listen to you on what I finally use for the card. LOL!)
We live in Sevierville. It's funny when I talk to people and they are surprised I know Knoxville. (If you know the area, that's kind of funny since it's 30 minutes away). I've worked and played in both equal time for MANY years. They're both considered home. Besides, no one knows how to say Sevierville if they're not from 'round here and I have to add "it's Dolly Parton's home town."

Anyway, I'm glad I finally attempted the Sunsphere. If you aren't familiar with this landmark, it was constructed in the World's Fair in 1982. It has an observation deck and used to have a restaurant. I've been in it as a child. Maybe twice as an adult. It morphs into restaurants, galleries, event space. I highly recommend a visit if you are in our beautiful East Tennessee area to get that high up 360 degree view.

Where do you live? Do you have a massive ball of yarn or the largest rubber band ball or maybe a massive unique piece of architecture like this one? I'm sure your town has something special, too. Maybe I'll draw it someday. I can honestly say I have yet to draw a ball of yarn.
This post is 100% human generated content. All grammatical errors are my own.