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Attempt the Absurd

I am trying but it doesn't always work!

My mind is currently in worry mode about AI and social media. It really goes up and down on how I feel about it. But this blog is NOT about AI nor social. Merely that I will be changing some things up.

There is a lull between blogging because writing is not my strong point and social is getting the best of me.

Luckily, there have been some fun projects I have been working on, too.

Blogging took a back seat.

Some obsessive scrolling on social has taken way too much of my time and I am neglecting too many important things in my life. Therefore, I MUST get off of social media, to some this may be absurd. I am keeping the accounts up and will only post once a month for each minus an auto post of the newsletter.

The website will be the main focus as of... NOW.

Since primary focus is changing, I could use some help. Like anything, when spread too thin, the quality goes down the drain.

***If ever you see errors on the site or something looks off to you, please let me know. You can comment on this blog. Seriously, for anyone to see. I promise this will not hurt my feelings. I am still way too small of a business to hire help.

This goes for typos, pricing inconsistencies, weird pictures, etc. You name it!

Absurd? I hope so. I'd like to have a dose of "achieve the impossible" once in awhile.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

All the thanks in the world to you for reading this! I'm wishing you a wonderful day. (Kissy face and high five emojis!)

Our Quote This card line is now out
Quote This card line - Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.


This blog will continue to be 100% human generated content unless otherwise stated. And of course, still thanks to internet and technology, I do realize I am using, that I can get this message to you!

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